Food Sensitivity Testing
Total Body Health is now offering food sensitivity testing! This test is used to identify problem foods and optimize a healthy diet.
We are opening up this test for those who are struggling with the symptoms listed below and want to take control of their health.
Tests Over 184 Foods!
Our at-home food sensitivity tests show results up to184 food sensitivities and intolerances. Although this number seems overwhelming, our test will accurately pinpoint which foods are bothering you.
The testing we do is called the Alletess IgG food sensitivity test. Compared to other food sensitivity tests, this one is simple and reliable! The test measures antibodies to various foods, molds, fungi, and other inhalant allergens to determine sensitivities. With just one prick of the finger, you will get the results and analysis that you need.
Abdominal pain
Change in stools
Irritable skin
Symptoms may include:​
When testing for food sensitivities and intolerances, it is important to get the right treatment, which is why we are here to help!
The at-home food test results will be sent through email, listing the foods that are causing some of the symptoms you are experiencing. After you receive this information, a nutritionist will be sending you a protocol on what the next steps are regarding to your diet to create that healthy lifestyle for you.
If by any means, there is a significant number of sensitivities or intolerances that require serious attention, a nutritionist will discuss next steps.
How it works:​
Refer to the steps below to get a better understanding the at-home testing procedure.

At-Home Test:​
The test will be shipped directly to your home. After you collect the sample, you will send it back to us.
After we collect your sample, we will give you an analysis that will cover your results in depth. This will list intolerances & trigger foods.
Finally, a Total Body Health Practitioner will discuss next steps in creating a healthy diet that is best suited for your sensitivities.
Get started:​

At-Home Test Kit
Complete Sensitivity Profile
Personalized Nutrition Consult
Is food testing right for me?
If you answer yes to any of these prompts below, then consider trying the at-home food sensitivity test:
Trying several diets and still have various symptoms as the ones listed above.
Underlying health issues that you want to take control of.
Struggling to find foods that work for your body.