When was the last time you walked barefoot outside? For most of us, the last time may be so far removed it’s difficult to recall. Especially in today’s world where many spend a majority of their day indoors and in front of a screen, we have very little direct and physical contact with the earth. By living this way, however, we are doing ourselves a great disservice. Not only does sunlight provide immeasurable and irreplaceable health benefits, but the electrical charges from the earth can have a substantial and positive impact on the body, too.

Grounding, also referred to as “earthing,” is the therapeutic practice of performing activities that directly connect–or “ground”–us to the earth. While it may sound a bit bizarre, this technique is rooted in grounding physics and earthing science.
When we have direct, physical contact with the surface of the earth, we exchange electrons with it thereby realigning our electrical energy. Doing so, surprisingly, provides numerous health benefits and restores the natural defenses of the body.
A number of studies have revealed grounding provides the following health benefits:
Lowers inflammation;
Improves sleep;
Reduces chronic pain;
Reduces chronic fatigue;
Improves blood pressure;
Improves mood;
Reduces anxiety and depression;
Alleviates fatigue;
Reduces blood viscosity; and
Reduces oxidative stress.
Standing in the grass, walking on the beach, or laying directly on the ground are means by which you can ground yourself. Additionally, swimming in large, open bodies of water will ground you as well. If you’re unable to get outside, don’t worry–grounding equipment is available online. Blankets, socks, and sheets can be used while sleeping. Mats are also available and can be used under your home office chair.
Roughly 10 to 30 minutes of grounding daily will provide positive results for your health.